Yet Another Brutal Killing in the US – When Will a Revolution Come?

When will this type of systematic brutality stop? When will a full change of a system happen? And what is required to make this happen? I believe unity among all parts and organizations in a society who want’s change is above all necessary. To stay strong – Stay unite! That means also good organizers and leadership, together with strong commitment to do so, and heavy and broad mobilization. If all this is not happening, no change! Remember: This is also class strugle!

See this horrible video of 43 minutes of the insane killing of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta, Georgia. Get enraged and engaged, but not vandalists, all over the world, to get change. We can’t live with this systen, capitalism, brutalism, anymore!

Ivar Jordre

WARNING: Video contains disturbing images and sound. Viewer discretion is advised. (Higher quality version available here:…)

Rayshard Brooks shooting, police bodycam footage from Wendy’s parking lot, Atlanta

About ivarjordre

painter, activist, writer, revolutionary, human
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